Est. 2006

Choose Top Is Back!

After a short break, Choose Top Leg Camp is back with a permanent home in Washington DC. Choose Top Leg Camp was established in 2006 and since then has visited over 50 cities and helped thousands of wrestlers become more tough on top. Join us and learn the secrets to riding even the toughest opponents.
You Will Receive

Experienced Coaching


The kids really liked the camp and certainly learned a different style than what were use to wrestling

Pat Ancil

My son attended one of your camps...perhaps the most significant wrestling camp he has attended. He developed not only great leg riding ability, but great balance as well; he is like a "tick" on top, kids simply can't reverse him or get him out of legs. He now dominates kids that used to beat him. He is simply a much better wrestler.

Paul Dubois

Your camp totally changed my son's wrestling approach and career.

Steve Vanderplas

We have attended Coach Keel's camps for at least 4 years in a row. Its that good and we learn new things each time. Matt is great with kids, is an excellent communicator, and has a great sense of humor.

John Sykes

I personally believe your camp helped to round Spencer out to be the superior wrestler that he got to be last year. I thought it was very thorough and wonderfully detailed

Ray Alexander

My two boys thought it was an awesome camp and it really helped them this past season. Watching them wrestle I could see a big change in their style. They didn't panic when the legs came in on them and they could counter better and score more from the leg position.

Jerry Burdette

My son attended your camp last year and it made him a much more dominant wrestler.

Kevin Baker

I am an old Pennsylvania leg wrestler and can still do the techniques but have trouble breaking it down to teach my kids. Your step by step method is excellent not only for the kids but for me as a coach.

Jeff Stout